Aedes aegypti, yellow fever mosquito
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Taxonomic lineage
cellular organisms - Eukaryota - Fungi/Metazoa group - Metazoa - Eumetazoa - Bilateria - Coelomata - Protostomia - Panarthropoda - Arthropoda - Mandibulata - Pancrustacea - Hexapoda - Insecta - Dicondylia - Pterygota - Neoptera - Endopterygota - Diptera - Nematocera - Culicimorpha - Culicoidea - Culicidae - Culicinae - Culicini - Aedes/Ochlerotatus group - Aedes - Stegomyia - Aedes aegypti
Brief facts
Aedes aegypti is a smallish, dark mosquito with conspicuous white markings and banded legs.
Most frequently found in the tropics on all continents, Aedes aegypti historically is considered to be a primary vector of devastating viral diseases such as the Dengue fever, Chikungunya and yellow fever.
The Aedes aegypti is a day biting mosquito. This species is most active for approximately two hours after sunrise and several hours before sunset. After the mosquito feeds on a virus-carrier, the virus starts to replicate in the mosquito. After eight to 12 days incubation period the mosquito can transmit the virus on subsequent feeding attempts (several times per day is not uncommon) depending on the availability of the host. Feeding generally occurs at one to two hour intervals. The A. aegypti is adapted to breed around human dwellings and prefers to lay its eggs in clean water free of other organisms. Artificial or natural water containers (water storage containers, flower pots, old tires, etc.) that are within or close to places where humans live are ideally larval habitats for the A. aegypti.
Aedes mosquitos are competent to transmit heartworms. Detailed information about ubiquitous parasites - heartworms, Dirofilaria immitis at MetaPathogen.
Life cycle of A. aegypti
Life Cycle Stages
Life cycle can be completed in 1.5-3 weeks.
the eggs of most species are laid together in a raft form, but Aedes female lays her eggs separately thus allowing them to spread over large surfaces of water if conditions permit, this way the eggs stand a better chance of survival; eggs can survive for very long periods in a dry state, often for more than a year; if the egg contains the viruses, they are preserved too
larval MeSH
all larval stages are aquatic; collectively they take a minimum of 4 days to complete
1st instar larva
1st molting
2nd instar larva
2nd molting
3rd instar larva
3rd molting
4th instar larva
4th molting